
Future Spec

The typography styling here is currently not included in the pdx-bootstrap library. This is intended for a future release as we make efforts toward a more complete style and design guide to give consistency across development. You can copy the styles from this page directly if you would like to try them, however.


All HTML headings are available <h1> through <h6>, and classes .h1 through .h6 are available for applying those same stylings to other elements or for inline use.

Pierian uses the "Hind" font face for display fonts.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 4
Heading 4

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 4
Heading 4

Body Copy

We set our base font-size to 16px with a line-height of 1.5 for better readability. This is applied to the body and all paragraphs. In addition, p (paragraphs) receive a bottom margin of the base font size ( 16px by default).

Pierian uses the Open Sans font for body copy and text.

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.




Status Icons

Status icons are used to represent user defined states of variants, such as relevant, irrelevant and unknown. These can be created using the FontAwesome 5 .fa-bookmark icon font along with the corresponding .status--* class.



Status icons can also be set to a disabled state to show they are inactive or not in use using the .disabled class.


Tags (Flags)

Use .flag for a fixed width/height label of one or two letters to denote a status flag.

You can use `.flag` elements inline, though they are larger than any inline line-height that might be used.

This is a line of text with a XX flag in it.


This is a line of text with a XX flag in it.

You can use .flag`s in various sizes as well by using the .flag-small or .flag-large. There are also some predefined styles for commonly used flags, such as artifacts and benign polymorphisms.

The 'none' flag, flag--none, is a special case of flag, where the text is longer than 2 letters. In this case, we wrap the text in a span to allow us to size the text without modifying the flag width and height itself. This approach can be used on all tags if the user wishes, simply wrap the flag text in a span tag.

? BP A none
? BP A none

Disabled Flags

.flag elements can also be disabled using the .disabled class.


Flag Dropdown

The flag dropdown is a specific implementation of the standard boostrap dropdown menu. It allows multiple selections. The flag dropdown uses all the standard bootstrap dropdown classes with the addition of the .dropdown-flag class on the .dropdown element as well. It must also have an element with the data-toggle="dropdown" attribute to trigger the dropdown.



The flag dropdown can be activated using the following javascript



The flag dropdown emits the same events as the standard bootstrap dropdown but also emits an event when items are selected. The first argument to the event handler is always the Event object. All dropdown events are fired at the .dropdown-menu’s parent element and have a relatedTarget property, whose value is the toggling anchor element.

Event Type Description Params
pdx.flagdropdown.change This event fires immediately when an item in the .dropdown-menu is selected or unselected
  • {Event} - the event object
  • {...String} - multiple arguments, the id of each selected item

    $('.dropdown-flag').on('pdx.flagdropdown.change', function(ev /* selected id, ... */) {
      const ids = Array.from(arguments).slice(1);  // get selected ids as an array
      const triggeringElement = ev.relatedTarget;  // DOM element that was 'clicked' triggering the change
      // ...

Status Dropdown

The status dropdown is a specific implementation of the standard boostrap dropdown menu. It allows only a single selections. The status dropdown uses all the standard bootstrap dropdown classes with the addition of the .dropdown-status class on the .dropdown element as well.

The data-toggle="toggle" attribute should be set on an icon using one of the defined status bookmark icons from FontAwesome 5. This icon should reflect the currently selected status icon. When a new status is selected from the dropdown, the icon marked by the data-toggle attribute will be changed to match the selected status icon.



The status dropdown can be activated using the following javascript



The status dropdown emits the same events as the standard bootstrap dropdown but also emits an event when items are selected. All dropdown events are fired at the .dropdown-menu’s parent element and have a relatedTarget property, whose value is the toggling anchor element.

Event Type Description Params
pdx.statusdropdown.change This event fires immediately when an item in the .dropdown-menu is selected
  • {Event} - the event object
  • {String} - the id of the selected item

    $('.dropdown-flag').on('pdx.flagdropdown.change', function(ev, selectedId) {
      var triggeringElement = ev.relatedTarget;  // DOM element 'clicked' that triggered event
      // ...

Dropdown Select

The .dropdown-select class turns a regular Bootstrap dropdown into a single or multiselect dropdown. It uses the standard bootstrap dropdown class plus a .dropdown-select class on the parent along with the traditional .dropdown class.

To specify single or multiselect use the data-select-multiple attribute on the parent element. Leaving it off will default the component to function as a single select dropdown. You can also set data-select-multiple="false" for single select. To use as a multiple select dropdown add the data-select-multiple="true" attribute to the parent element.


The data-toggle="toggle" attribute can be added to the element within the .dropdown-select parent element that will act as the trigger. If present, this component will be initialized on page load via the data-* API.



The dropdown select can be activated with the data-* API as mentioned above or by using the following javascript



The dropdown select emits the same events as the standard bootstrap dropdown but also emits an event when items are selected. All dropdown events are fired at the .dropdown-menu’s parent element and have a relatedTarget property, whose value is the toggling anchor element.

Event Type Description Params
pdx.dropdown-select.change This event fires immediately when an item in the .dropdown-menu is selected
  • {Event} - the event object
  • {String} - the id of the selected item. Multiple arguments are passed for multiselect.

    $('.dropdown-select').on('pdx.dropdown-select.change', function(ev, /* itemId, ... */) {
      const selected = Array.from(arguments).slice(1);
      const triggeringElement = ev.relatedTarget; // DOM element 'click'ed that triggered event
      // do something with the ids in `selected`

Toggle Switch

The toggle switch is a component for capturing and changing the on/off semantic state of something. It has similar meaning to a checkbox, which should represent the existence or non-existence (true/false, on/off) state of some aspect of an application or interface.

You can disable a toggle switch using the .disabled class on the .toggle element.



The toggle switch can be activated using the following javascript



The toggle switch emits a single change event whenever its state is toggled.

Event Type Description Params
pdx.toggle.change This event fires immediately when the toggle state is changed
  • {Event} - the event object
  • {Boolean} - the new state of the toggle switch, true or false

    $('.toggle').on('pdx.toggle.change', function(ev, state) {
      // ...